jueves, julio 31, 2008

9 days from now...

many days without wrigth.
and a few days to come.
tonight i think that i could jump.
It's time to play, time to jump.
Now or never.
It's doesn't matter, 'cause i had been in this way...

miércoles, marzo 12, 2008

Killing me softly

Just coming back from the birthday celebration I had received the great news; finally Pachy decided to make the change and see what happens.
So..., I could remember when I decide to do almost the same, and it was so great, and I feel a little of envy, 'cause I'm here trying to fight with the common things and in some days she will be giving a big step, but really great for her!!
Now..., backing to "those things", my things..., I only want to finish right now. I'm tired to fight with my self, doing like nothing happens when both know that is no true.
The extremely politeness sometimes is too much, and I know he won't do anything brave, like the kind of thing that I will be expected, something like: look at me and just said "you know..., we could to stop, 'cause nothing will be happened here, so just release me"
Maybe is a little heavy to listen (again). But simple and direct is better than this longest cynic process which is killing me, and definitely no softly.

domingo, febrero 10, 2008

Searching my maccarone...

...to be the cheese.
Juno is an amazing movie, "my new Little Miss Sunchine" for this year.
Maybe 'cause it's look like simple, but not.
Maybe 'cause finally it shows what I'm looking for the love.
So, patience..., could it be that this year someone find that I'm the cheese...

domingo, febrero 03, 2008

Time to say goodbye

Today is your birthday...
and I sent you a message, but now is time to say goodbye, I don't know why, but I feel it.
You are far from here, and this it could be an opportunity.
So I just want to remember that you were a carousel, a whishing well, and definitely you light me up...
So now, I send you a big kiss, and I hope the best for us...

martes, enero 22, 2008

The stars know

Sometimes the astrology is so real...

This is your Full Moon, increasing the magnitude of your emotions enough to complicate the day. It's difficult to hide your needs, for they -- along with your dreams -- are right on the surface now. But attempting to bury your feelings won't work. You'll be better off bringing them up to the surface and expressing your heart.